19 July 2012


GENERAL MESSAGE: Unfortunately some of us think that learning  our
heritage is not needed.  Every American, German, French, Chinese …..
citizens are  proud of their nation and culture because they learn and
teach their forefathers’ greatness. The heritage of their fatherland or
motherland gives a sense of pride for everyone. Only the past can give you
self confidence. Thus one should  learn and teach the heritage.

MESSAGES FOR PARENTS: I was teaching in one of the  well known schools run
by Matha Amruthanandamayee, in Kollam district, last week. This school has
~ 30% Muslim and Christian students. I asked them  why they are studying
in Amma’s school. They said. “Our parents want  that we should live a
happy life with values and modern knowledge with strong cultural
background”. I asked them  whether they like the Veda chanting, Indian
prayer and so on. They replied “we enjoy every  word and its message”. The
school has more than 4,000 students. I had a great experience. I request
all parents send your children to the schools where Indian values and
modern knowledge are taught with equal importance for making your children
good and great.
MESSAGES FOR TEACHERS: Every teacher should learn from other teachers what
and how the best teaching method is to be followed. From every teacher one
can learn what are the method one should  acquire and what are the methods
one should not acquire. Thus learning by a teacher has two sides. Good
should be taken.

MESSAGE TO THE STUDENTS:  Many great men reached that level  after facing
a series of set backs. Remember that every great men in this world has
studied for their exams, they were afraid of exams, they were nervous,
they even thought of running away  for avoiding exams, they were afraid of
their teachers…… like many of you. Do not think that only you are scared
of exams and teachers. Donot think that  only you are nervous. All
whatever everyone has, that you may also have. Prepare for facing all
these . Be bold enough to face anything in your life. anyway you will have
to face. Either with fear or with courage. you opt for the best way.

HERITAGE MESSAGE: After morning bath, prayer, meditation and
sooryanamaskaar, drink minimum 3 to 4 glass of water in between 6.00 am
and 8.00 am. This  is known as jalapaana vrata needed for cleaning blood
and decreasing the viscosity of blood for easy pumping of the same. You
should pray for 30 secs before eating. This 30 secs will activate the
salivary gland and saliva containing 2% ptyalin will activate ejection of
all other digestive enzymes in the stomach. Thus prayer before eating has
a strong biochemistry  in that. Do a prayer before you eat in schools and
in your home.


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