Thousands of books were written by thousands of ancient Indian scholars for catering theinterest and taste of different individuals. One cannot give the same food, dress, color, housing, and so on to all the people. Even in a wedding feast, different foods are served because at least a few items should satisfy everyone. Thus, our forefathers gave Vedas (the universal messages), Upanishads (the absolute knowledge), vedaangaas (science of language), Kalpasaastra (customs and rituals), Jyothisha (science of mathematics, astronomy and astrology), the epics ( experiences of people), the puraanaas (stories carrying the messages), Artha saastra (economics), Dhanurveda (science of archery), Gaandharva Veda ( science of music and dance), Ayurveda (science of health) and Darsanaas (visions) (wrongly called as philosophies). You can learn deep any one or more of these subjects.
Independent of your religion and other lenience, remember that we are all Indians. All those we have in India are inherited by all of us from our forefathers. Never teach your children to denigrate our culture nor permit them to do so. There may be good and bad in any culture. Our duty is to refine, learn and teach. None of the Christians in India has come from Israel. None of the Muslims come from Arabia. We were all Indians and we are all Indians. When we denigrate or belittle India and Indian culture we are denigrating our own motherlandand mother. Teach your children to learn and respect Indian culture. Remember that Indian culture belongs not only to Hindus but also for Christians, Muslims, lefts and atheists. Anything happens to any Indians anywhere in the world, only Indians will be coming for protecting you.
A teacher is always a student, but a student need not always be a student. Learn continuously for teaching. Everyday you should teach something new. You should make the students understand about that ‘new’ and make them repeat and recollect them. Thus learning by the students from your teachings is a continuous process. It should be an uninterrupted flow. What you taught them yesterday should be repeated today as an abstract and what you taught them yesterday should come as an abstract today. Ask bit by bit questions and motivate them to give the answers.
The most glorious period is the life of students where parents protect you, teachers guide you, society looks after you. You are the receivers from all over the world. Later on, you will have to give back what you have acquired, to your parents, teachers, society and nation. Thus make your study period most useful, fruitful, purposeful and meaningful. So that you can give back many things to your parents, family, society and motherland.
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